is it me or I am I getting 1,934917,632 different combinations with this mini-game? Nice mini game but very hard to beat. Nice game to btw ❤️ top 5 for sure.
Heyo. I've been enjoying this "game" of yours and I'm excited for the next update.
If I can be so bold as to give you some constructive criticism: Don't give the player a "choice" if there is no choice. A button that just says "forward" and no other buttons to press offers nothing mechanically or for story telling that the normal click/enter/spacebar couldn't have done as well.
I stumbled over this game as it was part of the romance bundle and have to admit that I nearly did not play it.
The "penis as a third arm" aesthetics is a huge 'nope' for me and I instinctively closed the game very early on (the lake scene, when the MC was shown for the first time naked). I only started it again as I read Axphyxia's note here in the comments ("unexpectedly, the game turns out to be very good and fun") and I gave it a second chance.
What should I say: The plot is well-designed and the story, while not ground-breaking, a good read. Fortunately you opted to not use the oh-so-stupid penis as main plot device for your visuals and I'm having, unexpectedly [:)], fun with the game.
Have a few typos, depending on your PoV a compensation for the criticism in my post or to add insult to injury :D
./chapter_7.rpy:4385: agains->against
./chapter_10.rpy:3250: agressive->aggressive
./script.rpy:14168: appologies->apologies
./stats__lore.rpy:3262: assualt->assault
./stats__lore.rpy:3293: assualt->assault
./chapter_5.rpy:1765: becuase->because
./chapter_7.rpy:2158: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:2167: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:2323: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:2332: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:5678: consistant->consistent
./chapter_7.rpy:5790: consistant->consistent
./chapter_5.rpy:1618: discribe->describe
./script.rpy:11818: dissapeared->disappeared
./chapter_8.rpy:4337: everthing->everything
./script.rpy:4021: existance->existence
./stats__lore.rpy:3061: fourties->forties
./stats__lore.rpy:3011: fourty->forty
./stats__lore.rpy:3098: fourty->forty
./chapter_5.rpy:3612: harrassing->harassing
./chapter_9.rpy:818: heared->heard
./chapter_8.rpy:941: layed->laid
./stats__lore.rpy:2808: lefted->left
./chapter_9.rpy:4631: loosing->losing
./chapter_9.rpy:4971: loosing->losing
./chapter_10.rpy:4898: loosing->losing
./chapter_6.rpy:317: occurr->occur
./chapter_7.rpy:1399: paticular->particular
./script.rpy:20215: potatos->potatoes
./chapter_6.rpy:1259: powerfull->powerful
./chapter_9.rpy:537: proccess->process
./chapter_9.rpy:650: recieve->receive
./chapter_7.rpy:1589: recieved->received
./chapter_7.rpy:1445: recieves->receives
./chapter_7.rpy:1449: recieves->receives
./chapter_7.rpy:1305: recieving->receiving
./script.rpy:25915: seeked->sought
./chapter_7.rpy:1418: seperate->separate
./script.rpy:11680: seperated->separated
./script.rpy:11684: seperated->separated
./script.rpy:21067: seperating->separating
./chapter_8.rpy:2609: temperture->temperature
./chapter_7.rpy:1483: thier->their
./chapter_7.rpy:1355: unforseen->unforeseen
./chapter_6.rpy:2333: untill->until
edited to add:
* Athena's character info spoils the plot: one can read "Connection to you: You disobayed her, killing her fury and ending the curse of the town of the faceless god." before all of that happened [btw, 'disobeyed', not 'disobayed']
* it seems you use "$ dummy +=1" as no op in menus, if/else blocks and similar (as "do nothing" function to have a valid indented code snippet). renpy has a built-in function for this: "pass"
* you know ? not every output is an actual bug and it covers best practices, too. but it still helps to ship a better product, noteworthy are some jumps to non-existing labels
Heh, got a few "strongly put comments" on the third leg topic and I'm immune to them now XD Thanks for your comment tho, it's mostly nice rly XD Also, thanks a lot for pointing out the typos 🥰
Unexpectedly, the game turns out to be very good and fun, players are not required to have to play the MC to be kind and innocent, the MC knows what he is doing and wanted so far. I really like it when the creators give players the choice to act as MC throughout the game
Btw Toni reminded me to the character in 'Once in a Lifetime'(I forgot his name) can be anything, anywhere, unpredictable lmao, the appearance of Luna and Mr.Hernandez was also quite enjoyable. Will there be any new surprises with the appearance of the Dildoman? xD
I just have one question, does the MC not get a scene with Centoria? Cuz in current update until the end of the game i only got 1 respect from Centoria(if i remember correctly)
This is very good. Thank you for the game. Much graphic effort put in the characters, and many supporting characters are developed. Lore and worldbuilding are exciting.
One small thing is that the MC's powers come too easily to him, and less attention is given to the development of his other ninja skills.
Thanks! Welp, not a big fan of MC fights villain, MC loses, MC trains, MC beats villain this time, new villain shows up, MC fights villain, MC loses, MC trains, MC beats villain this time, and repeat. But also, my MC presumably being a demi-god who only practiced sword fighting until now and knew nothing about his abilities which he's only now discovering as he has to fight for his life explains the rapid growth IMO.
OMG It's Luna and her Dad Hernandez! Insanely cool! I love it soooo much how all of you game Dev's have easter eggs or straight crossovers to other games! You all deserve way more attention! Edit: In case it isn't a EA / Crossover to Eternum .. oops but still cool xD Edit Edit: possible you german because of the name of chapter 10? =D
Ahh alright, I could have thought =D Btw if you read it: I had a code error at the end with Stephanie. it was in her room about the the (missing words rn lol) reward thingy from the interrogation in the dungeon. No idea if I had the chance to, like chose something but yeah.
At the start, I was on edge about this VN, but instead of judging it on the first, and second chapter. I kept going, and I was happy I did. Though it's mainly just an "erotic" VN, it was still very good. Keep up the good work, cause the latest chapters have looked, and been a lot better... Thanks for the months of entertainment.
Started playing a fancy big money game for about an hour then uninstalled. Next I started this game and despite no sound for most of the journey I was sucked in and wouldn't put it down. Awesome stuff, can't wait for the next chapter!
Well, I wouldn't really be able to tell to be honest with you. It's just a couple of images and .webm vp8 videos, so I'd say any GPU able to play a movie should be able to run the game with little to no problems, but I'm not 100% sure...
I just finished the current version of the game and i gotta say it really shows your progress in development. The game just keeps getting better as the chapters go on.
tl:dr, wasn't really feeling the game in the beginning but became a big fan by the end.
I wasn't really enjoying the game at first. In fact i would say that before the town of the faceless god the whole experience is just kinda bad. The characters were really weak and there didn't really seem to have a cohesive plot. Things just kinda of happen without anything driving the story forward.
I would say that at the town of the faceless god, and extending to Esyl, is when things really start to get interesting. From here on out the game has an atmosphere of mystery and creepyness (which i surprisingly like even though i passionately dislike horror games). The mystery of the curse is handled really well, and the story is told in such a way that you can kind of piece together the story of the girl who was denied by the townsfolk before the characters properly figure it out. It also sets up Athena as a future villain really well. Showing that Athena is unnecessarily cruel and petty does the job of making her a hateable character really well (it also helps that she just keeps showing up as a villain in other characters backstories later on. Fucking Athena!).
Esyl is just kind of an epilogue to the town of the faceless god to me. There's still this good, creepy and mysterious atmosphere around the butcher even though i think that the whole butcher issue is kind of forced. One thing specifically that i found really dumb is how the detective says that if the butcher fails to kill a target he always comes back for them later. And right after that he says that he tells the women who survived his attacks to leave the town. If you know that the butcher always comes back for previous targets why would you tell them to leave? It's a perfect opportunity to catch him if you know exactly where he is gonna go.
Overall i think that Esyl is a tad worse than the town of the faceless god in writing but it's stiil much better than what came before (specially since it introduces my favorite character).
After Esyl is where things started really getting good. Immediately when we get to the infected village the whole presentation of the game changes drastically for the better. Not only do we now have music and sound effects (which are really well chosen and placed btw) but the visuals of the game are very improved. This can be seen in the introduction of long, cutscene like scenes and the exploration in the doctor's house.
On top of that the writing got better as well. Once again there's this creepy and mysterious atmosphere that really gets you invested. The story is really well paced and gives you time to soak in the details before moving on to the next beat of the story. I specially liked how Venus's possession was handled. In hindsight, there are loads of details showing that Venus's behavior is off, even before you know about the specter and the possession. First off is her hairstyle. At first i didn't really think anything of that but after she gets un-possessed she almost immediately goes back to her usual hairstyle, showing clearly that something was wrong. There's also the fact that suspiciously she was the only one that recovered from the disease. She also says that most of the village have recovered but she doesn't want to show anybody that has actually recovered, and later it is confirmed by Fransisca that she was actually lying. The fact that she seemed adamant about not searching the doctor's house because she "searched it already", and her generally suspicious behavior in the house itself. There were a lot of signs that could have helped the player figure out that Venus was the one who had been possessed. Overall really good writing.
In regards to the section inside Venus's head, i think that was one of my favorite sections of the story. Not only Venus's memories but Clementine's memories as well were both told in a really interesting way. It was very emotional and left an impression on me. I have some gripes with the writing in this part but it's personal disagreements rather than criticism. For example, i don't like how after seeing Clementine's memories the main character didn't even try to talk to her to understand why she was doing this, they basically just went straight into fighting after some taunting. I also didn't like how there wasn't an option to ask Venus about her memories after we exit her head. The only thing that i was thinking about after seeing her memories was to ask her "Do you remember what you were called before you were Venus?", "Did you ever find out what happened to Mercury" and "Who was that woman that you met in the river next to Mecury's village?". We get the answer to some of these questions but it's a while later and i just wish we had the option to ask her directly as soon as she wakes up from her possession.
After that there is the faceeater drill. This was definitely my favorite part of the game so far. It was a really good self contained adventure with a really interesting concept. I really enjoyed the scary exploration through the dark mansion. I really appreciated that there are multiple ways to end the simulation and i specially appreciated that you can notice that Tamara has been impersonated before the faceeaters are revealed and you can question her about it too. I noticed that on my first go and i felt really good about that. Later on you learn that when you meet Centoria in that room with the broken window she had already been killed and impersonated. I wonder why you can't question her about then like you can with Tamara. I also really appreciated the cameo of Luna and her dad from Eternum. Was a welcome surprise.
In conclusion, i started being almost disinterested in the beginning to being a really big fan in the end. The game definitely gets much better as it progress no only in the quality of the game it self but also the writing. Really excited about the future chapters.
Good points all around. Thanks a lot for your insight. Stuff like this is gold to me. I'm really happy you liked the game. 🥰 This my first time presenting a story as well as working with renders in a studio. I did get a lot of feedback that helped me improve the quality of my renders and I'm really content with the results so far, so thank you for mentioning that as well. 🥰
I also wanted to mention the perfomance. The game runs really really well even in my shitty laptop. Even in parts where i would expect some dip in the performance like in longer scenes with camera movement or with the rain in the infected village not once did i experience any hitches or fps drops. I have experienced some adult VNs that the performance just completely tanks in some parts with more complex visuals and that somewhat spoils the experience. I was really pleased with the performance of this.
Well, thank you. I tend to prevent memory leaks when I feel they might be excessive, very easy to have crazy stuff in renpy because it mostly doesn't hide videos unless you specifically tell it to, so if you have sequence of videos where you just show each one without hiding the previous ones, it means that you could have 10+ videos playing in the background.
Fun game so far just gonna put it out there tho in the faceless god town when you get the athena character sheet thing remove the affiliation to you because it spoils that entire section for later its not a big deal just something to think about
I can see the similarities of this game to Eternum of Caribdis.... Yeah, the girl posing, the challenge system and the most of all, the spook(but this one is more spooky). Also, there s Luna and Mr. Hernandez in this game(from Eternum too) I can tell you re a fan of him :) Your game is good I finished the chapter 10 well, we cant wait for the next chapter and also, I suggest you add gallery in this game.
I have played enough AVN that I have lost the count, so I can say without a doubt that this promises to be one of the best, the story is very well done and the girls are very cute, Sam and Mandy are my favorites. The influence of Caribdis is very noticeable even before Luna's cameo, keep up the good work. I'll wait for you to finish it to be able to enjoy it better but from what I've seen, I would put this AVN on the same level as "Once in a LifeTime"... trie to keep improving I expect great things from this AVN
Great story so far, Great work with the characters too, i actually care about them and their backstories. The sound effects were fun in chapter 7 and was nice to hear the notification when making progress with the girls, i seemed to miss those notifications in the first 6 chapters when it was visual only. The pacing of the h scenes were good imo, Didnt take too long to get to each scene, but were spaced far enough part it felt good.
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Love this game.
please add more fetishes. Like sharing
Thanks! But nah I'm good XD
Also amazing game not many with dis kind of setup and story
Thank you!
Dude how do I beat Tamara and candy I can beat candy but Tamara's a pain in the ass
Try this:
Okay so for the first 3 minutes: tamara's foot, tamara's armpit, tamara's pussy, candy's boobs.
4th minute: tamara's foot, tamara's armpit, tamara's boobs, candy's pussy
5th minute: tamara's foot, tamara's armpit, tamara's boobs, and only those.
Thx and is the next update near?
Yup, coming out for Patrons this weekend.
is it me or I am I getting 1,934917,632 different combinations with this mini-game? Nice mini game but very hard to beat. Nice game to btw ❤️ top 5 for sure.
I've been enjoying this "game" of yours and I'm excited for the next update.
If I can be so bold as to give you some constructive criticism:
Don't give the player a "choice" if there is no choice.
A button that just says "forward" and no other buttons to press offers nothing mechanically or for story telling that the normal click/enter/spacebar couldn't have done as well.
Anywho, keep up the good work. It's appreciated.
Thank you! :)
Yup, the forward button thingy isn't around any more in later chapters.
I stumbled over this game as it was part of the romance bundle and have to admit that I nearly did not play it.
The "penis as a third arm" aesthetics is a huge 'nope' for me and I instinctively closed the game very early on (the lake scene, when the MC was shown for the first time naked). I only started it again as I read Axphyxia's note here in the comments ("unexpectedly, the game turns out to be very good and fun") and I gave it a second chance.
What should I say: The plot is well-designed and the story, while not ground-breaking, a good read. Fortunately you opted to not use the oh-so-stupid penis as main plot device for your visuals and I'm having, unexpectedly [:)], fun with the game.
Have a few typos, depending on your PoV a compensation for the criticism in my post or to add insult to injury :D
./chapter_7.rpy:4385: agains->against
./chapter_10.rpy:3250: agressive->aggressive
./script.rpy:14168: appologies->apologies
./stats__lore.rpy:3262: assualt->assault
./stats__lore.rpy:3293: assualt->assault
./chapter_5.rpy:1765: becuase->because
./chapter_7.rpy:2158: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:2167: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:2323: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:2332: benificial->beneficial
./chapter_7.rpy:5678: consistant->consistent
./chapter_7.rpy:5790: consistant->consistent
./chapter_5.rpy:1618: discribe->describe
./script.rpy:11818: dissapeared->disappeared
./chapter_8.rpy:4337: everthing->everything
./script.rpy:4021: existance->existence
./stats__lore.rpy:3061: fourties->forties
./stats__lore.rpy:3011: fourty->forty
./stats__lore.rpy:3098: fourty->forty
./chapter_5.rpy:3612: harrassing->harassing
./chapter_9.rpy:818: heared->heard
./chapter_8.rpy:941: layed->laid
./stats__lore.rpy:2808: lefted->left
./chapter_9.rpy:4631: loosing->losing
./chapter_9.rpy:4971: loosing->losing
./chapter_10.rpy:4898: loosing->losing
./chapter_6.rpy:317: occurr->occur
./chapter_7.rpy:1399: paticular->particular
./script.rpy:20215: potatos->potatoes
./chapter_6.rpy:1259: powerfull->powerful
./chapter_9.rpy:537: proccess->process
./chapter_9.rpy:650: recieve->receive
./chapter_7.rpy:1589: recieved->received
./chapter_7.rpy:1445: recieves->receives
./chapter_7.rpy:1449: recieves->receives
./chapter_7.rpy:1305: recieving->receiving
./script.rpy:25915: seeked->sought
./chapter_7.rpy:1418: seperate->separate
./script.rpy:11680: seperated->separated
./script.rpy:11684: seperated->separated
./script.rpy:21067: seperating->separating
./chapter_8.rpy:2609: temperture->temperature
./chapter_7.rpy:1483: thier->their
./chapter_7.rpy:1355: unforseen->unforeseen
./chapter_6.rpy:2333: untill->until
edited to add:
* Athena's character info spoils the plot: one can read "Connection to you: You disobayed her, killing her fury and ending the curse of the town of the faceless god." before all of that happened [btw, 'disobeyed', not 'disobayed']
* it seems you use "$ dummy +=1" as no op in menus, if/else blocks and similar (as "do nothing" function to have a valid indented code snippet). renpy has a built-in function for this: "pass"
* you know ? not every output is an actual bug and it covers best practices, too. but it still helps to ship a better product, noteworthy are some jumps to non-existing labels
Heh, got a few "strongly put comments" on the third leg topic and I'm immune to them now XD
Thanks for your comment tho, it's mostly nice rly XD
Also, thanks a lot for pointing out the typos 🥰
> immune to them now
learning by pain, eh?
it's cue, not queue, btw :P (chapter_5.rpy:2514)
Damn, you've really come a long way huh? It's really impressive to be pumping out chapters with stats like those.
Thank you!
Sup! Been a while, I hope you're doing well...
Unexpectedly, the game turns out to be very good and fun, players are not required to have to play the MC to be kind and innocent, the MC knows what he is doing and wanted so far. I really like it when the creators give players the choice to act as MC throughout the game
Btw Toni reminded me to the character in 'Once in a Lifetime'(I forgot his name) can be anything, anywhere, unpredictable lmao, the appearance of Luna and Mr.Hernandez was also quite enjoyable. Will there be any new surprises with the appearance of the Dildoman? xD
I just have one question, does the MC not get a scene with Centoria? Cuz in current update until the end of the game i only got 1 respect from Centoria(if i remember correctly)
Thank you!
I'm a big fan of Caribdis's work as you can probably tell XD
And nope, no scenes with Centoria so far.
This is very good. Thank you for the game. Much graphic effort put in the characters, and many supporting characters are developed. Lore and worldbuilding are exciting.
One small thing is that the MC's powers come too easily to him, and less attention is given to the development of his other ninja skills.
Welp, not a big fan of MC fights villain, MC loses, MC trains, MC beats villain this time, new villain shows up, MC fights villain, MC loses, MC trains, MC beats villain this time, and repeat. But also, my MC presumably being a demi-god who only practiced sword fighting until now and knew nothing about his abilities which he's only now discovering as he has to fight for his life explains the rapid growth IMO.
Is there any impregnation/pregnancy content yet?
No, not just yet.
Well, looks like I have a new favorite
Thanks! That's really nice to hear 🥰
Possible Spoilers:
OMG It's Luna and her Dad Hernandez! Insanely cool! I love it soooo much how all of you game Dev's have easter eggs or straight crossovers to other games! You all deserve way more attention!
Edit: In case it isn't a EA / Crossover to Eternum .. oops but still cool xD
Edit Edit: possible you german because of the name of chapter 10? =D
I love Luna and Eternum. She's best girl and don't let anyone tell you otherwise 😗
Ah, and nope, I'm not actually German, I speak bad german tho XD
Ahh alright, I could have thought =D
Btw if you read it: I had a code error at the end with Stephanie. it was in her room about the the (missing words rn lol) reward thingy from the interrogation in the dungeon.
No idea if I had the chance to, like chose something but yeah.
Yes, someone already pointed this one out. Ignoring it should be fine. I made a hotfix for that, I should post it here at some point XD
At the start, I was on edge about this VN, but instead of judging it on the first, and second chapter. I kept going, and I was happy I did. Though it's mainly just an "erotic" VN, it was still very good. Keep up the good work, cause the latest chapters have looked, and been a lot better... Thanks for the months of entertainment.
Thanks for the nice comment 🥰
Started playing a fancy big money game for about an hour then uninstalled. Next I started this game and despite no sound for most of the journey I was sucked in and wouldn't put it down.
Awesome stuff, can't wait for the next chapter!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. 🥰
By the way, whats the recommended Windows Desktop config/setup to play VN? Does it need Dedicated GPU? For future referencs as well...
Well, I wouldn't really be able to tell to be honest with you. It's just a couple of images and .webm vp8 videos, so I'd say any GPU able to play a movie should be able to run the game with little to no problems, but I'm not 100% sure...
Following seems awesome, will wait for future official Android version.
Thank you!
While it is not an official version, someone made this port for ch10b:
this is still 10b right?
Thank you. with so many Vb/Games i watch i get Forgetful in my Old age
I just finished the current version of the game and i gotta say it really shows your progress in development. The game just keeps getting better as the chapters go on.
tl:dr, wasn't really feeling the game in the beginning but became a big fan by the end.
I wasn't really enjoying the game at first. In fact i would say that before the town of the faceless god the whole experience is just kinda bad. The characters were really weak and there didn't really seem to have a cohesive plot. Things just kinda of happen without anything driving the story forward.
I would say that at the town of the faceless god, and extending to Esyl, is when things really start to get interesting. From here on out the game has an atmosphere of mystery and creepyness (which i surprisingly like even though i passionately dislike horror games). The mystery of the curse is handled really well, and the story is told in such a way that you can kind of piece together the story of the girl who was denied by the townsfolk before the characters properly figure it out. It also sets up Athena as a future villain really well. Showing that Athena is unnecessarily cruel and petty does the job of making her a hateable character really well (it also helps that she just keeps showing up as a villain in other characters backstories later on. Fucking Athena!).
Esyl is just kind of an epilogue to the town of the faceless god to me. There's still this good, creepy and mysterious atmosphere around the butcher even though i think that the whole butcher issue is kind of forced. One thing specifically that i found really dumb is how the detective says that if the butcher fails to kill a target he always comes back for them later. And right after that he says that he tells the women who survived his attacks to leave the town. If you know that the butcher always comes back for previous targets why would you tell them to leave? It's a perfect opportunity to catch him if you know exactly where he is gonna go.
Overall i think that Esyl is a tad worse than the town of the faceless god in writing but it's stiil much better than what came before (specially since it introduces my favorite character).
After Esyl is where things started really getting good. Immediately when we get to the infected village the whole presentation of the game changes drastically for the better. Not only do we now have music and sound effects (which are really well chosen and placed btw) but the visuals of the game are very improved. This can be seen in the introduction of long, cutscene like scenes and the exploration in the doctor's house.
On top of that the writing got better as well. Once again there's this creepy and mysterious atmosphere that really gets you invested. The story is really well paced and gives you time to soak in the details before moving on to the next beat of the story. I specially liked how Venus's possession was handled. In hindsight, there are loads of details showing that Venus's behavior is off, even before you know about the specter and the possession. First off is her hairstyle. At first i didn't really think anything of that but after she gets un-possessed she almost immediately goes back to her usual hairstyle, showing clearly that something was wrong. There's also the fact that suspiciously she was the only one that recovered from the disease. She also says that most of the village have recovered but she doesn't want to show anybody that has actually recovered, and later it is confirmed by Fransisca that she was actually lying. The fact that she seemed adamant about not searching the doctor's house because she "searched it already", and her generally suspicious behavior in the house itself. There were a lot of signs that could have helped the player figure out that Venus was the one who had been possessed. Overall really good writing.
In regards to the section inside Venus's head, i think that was one of my favorite sections of the story. Not only Venus's memories but Clementine's memories as well were both told in a really interesting way. It was very emotional and left an impression on me. I have some gripes with the writing in this part but it's personal disagreements rather than criticism. For example, i don't like how after seeing Clementine's memories the main character didn't even try to talk to her to understand why she was doing this, they basically just went straight into fighting after some taunting. I also didn't like how there wasn't an option to ask Venus about her memories after we exit her head. The only thing that i was thinking about after seeing her memories was to ask her "Do you remember what you were called before you were Venus?", "Did you ever find out what happened to Mercury" and "Who was that woman that you met in the river next to Mecury's village?". We get the answer to some of these questions but it's a while later and i just wish we had the option to ask her directly as soon as she wakes up from her possession.
After that there is the faceeater drill. This was definitely my favorite part of the game so far. It was a really good self contained adventure with a really interesting concept. I really enjoyed the scary exploration through the dark mansion. I really appreciated that there are multiple ways to end the simulation and i specially appreciated that you can notice that Tamara has been impersonated before the faceeaters are revealed and you can question her about it too. I noticed that on my first go and i felt really good about that. Later on you learn that when you meet Centoria in that room with the broken window she had already been killed and impersonated. I wonder why you can't question her about then like you can with Tamara. I also really appreciated the cameo of Luna and her dad from Eternum. Was a welcome surprise.
In conclusion, i started being almost disinterested in the beginning to being a really big fan in the end. The game definitely gets much better as it progress no only in the quality of the game it self but also the writing. Really excited about the future chapters.
Good points all around. Thanks a lot for your insight. Stuff like this is gold to me.
I'm really happy you liked the game. 🥰
This my first time presenting a story as well as working with renders in a studio. I did get a lot of feedback that helped me improve the quality of my renders and I'm really content with the results so far, so thank you for mentioning that as well. 🥰
I also wanted to mention the perfomance. The game runs really really well even in my shitty laptop. Even in parts where i would expect some dip in the performance like in longer scenes with camera movement or with the rain in the infected village not once did i experience any hitches or fps drops. I have experienced some adult VNs that the performance just completely tanks in some parts with more complex visuals and that somewhat spoils the experience. I was really pleased with the performance of this.
Well, thank you. I tend to prevent memory leaks when I feel they might be excessive, very easy to have crazy stuff in renpy because it mostly doesn't hide videos unless you specifically tell it to, so if you have sequence of videos where you just show each one without hiding the previous ones, it means that you could have 10+ videos playing in the background.
Fun game so far just gonna put it out there tho in the faceless god town when you get the athena character sheet thing remove the affiliation to you because it spoils that entire section for later its not a big deal just something to think about
Oh, it does? Thanks, I'll look into it.
just finished the game so far that shit was awesome particularly the shapeshifter scene
Thank you! 🥰
The page is too dark. The development log section is matching the background. Or maybe its because im on android?
You're right. Thanks, I'll fix that
Just Finished >
Great Game/VN great Charters and Action, Shames there Not More right Now!!
Thank you! 🥰
I can see the similarities of this game to Eternum of Caribdis.... Yeah, the girl posing, the challenge system and the most of all, the spook(but this one is more spooky). Also, there s Luna and Mr. Hernandez in this game(from Eternum too) I can tell you re a fan of him :) Your game is good I finished the chapter 10 well, we cant wait for the next chapter and also, I suggest you add gallery in this game.
Guilty as charged XD
Thank you!
And yeah, there's a gallery already, accessible from both the main menu and the stats screen in the game
Oh, thank you ✨
I have played enough AVN that I have lost the count, so I can say without a doubt that this promises to be one of the best, the story is very well done and the girls are very cute, Sam and Mandy are my favorites. The influence of Caribdis is very noticeable even before Luna's cameo, keep up the good work. I'll wait for you to finish it to be able to enjoy it better but from what I've seen, I would put this AVN on the same level as "Once in a LifeTime"... trie to keep improving I expect great things from this AVN
Thank you so much! 🥰
The Google Drive link is dead, is there another one?
Sorry about that. Had to delete chapter 9 while uploading chapter 10 because of limited storage. Links should work and be updated to ch10 now.
Thank you
android ver?
Not official, it's from someone who makes port, so I haven't made it and I don't know if it'll work:
Dude the reference to eternum in the new release. I love that game and yours is really good as well. Hope to see more in the future.
Thank you so much XD
Great story so far, Great work with the characters too, i actually care about them and their backstories. The sound effects were fun in chapter 7 and was nice to hear the notification when making progress with the girls, i seemed to miss those notifications in the first 6 chapters when it was visual only. The pacing of the h scenes were good imo, Didnt take too long to get to each scene, but were spaced far enough part it felt good.
Thank you, so much
Good stuff so far.
Thank you!
Loved the story and characters. Hype for more!
Thank you!
I'm enjoying the story
Thank you!